We know that HEALTH IS WEALTH.So we must try to keep good health everyone. To keep good health we must be careful of our daily food chart which is given below: FOR CHILD: 1.FOOD GRAINS -175 gram. 2. VEGETABLES-200 gram. 3. UNDERGROUND VEGETABLES-50 gram. 4.MILK-500 ml. 5. FRUIT-100 gram. 6. PULSES-50 gram. 7. SUGAR-30 gram. 8.FOOD OIL-10 ml. 9.NUT TYPES SEEDS-25 gram. FOR YOUNG BOYS AND GIRLS: 1. FOOD GRAINS-350 gram. 2. VEGETABLES-110 gram.3. UNDERGROUND VEGETABLES-50 gram.4. MILK-500 ml. 5. FRUIT-100 gram.6. PULSES-50 gram.7. SUGAR-50 gram.8. FOOD OIL-45 ml. 9. NUT TYPES SEEDS-25 gram. FOR OLDER:. 1.FOOD GRAINS-500 gram. 2. VEGETABLES-200 gram. 3. UNDERGROUND VEGETABLES-50 gram. 4. MILK-250 ml.5.FRUIT-100 gram. 6. PULSES-100 gram. 7.SUGAR- 50 gram.8. FOOD OIL-25 ml. 9. NUT TYPES SEEDS-25 gram. SO TO STAY HEALTHY WE NEED TO HAVE GOOD EATING HABITS.
In this blog ,you will find health is wealth,best health tips ,food and health ,health awareness ,eating the right food ,the functions of herbs ,stay healthy ,get wealthy ,fight for health and wealth ,health for baby ,health world ,fight against diseases . .
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*** ত্রিফলার কার্যকারিতা :- ত্রিফলা বলতে প্রধানতঃ তিনটে ফলকে বোঝায়। এগুলি হল : ১. আমলকী ২. হরিতকি এবং ৩. বহেড়া । এদের বহুগুণ আছে। যদি...
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