GARLIC:- N SUCH AS-Arterial Constriction, Constipation, Clasping of Hands and Feet, Influenza, Cold, Cough, Asthma, Sore Throat, Heart Burn, Indigestion, High Blood Pressure, Hemorrhoids, Gallstone, Liver Failure, Nervous Weakness, In various Skin Diseases, In Tuberculosis, Goiter, In Worms, Hooping Cough, Vomiting, Chest Throbbing ETC.
GARLIC DIET RULES:- 1. It can be eaten with Vegetables or Fried with Oil.
2. GARLIC PASTE with Flour can be eaten with Bread or Lentils.
3. GARLIC POWDER can be eaten with CHUTNEY.
4. GARLIC PASTE can be eaten with HOT MILK.
5. RAW GARLIC OR BOILED GARLIC can be eaten with FOOD.
WAYS TO GET RID OF GARLIC ODOR:- Peel a squash, Grate it and Squeeze the juice. Wash it in water before eating the next day.No odor and food quality will be maintained.
***USE OF GARLIC IN VARIOUS DISEASES:- 1. ARTHRITIS PAIN: One clove of Garlic should be chewed with HOT RICE every day. Also, fry 10 cloves of Garlic in 50 grams of MUSTARD OIL and MASSAGE the AFFECTED AREA twice a day.
2. PREVENT PREMATURE AGING: Two cloves of Garlic should be fried and eaten every day with CURRY OR FLOUR.
3. TO RETAIN THE ENERGY OF YOUTH: Two Tablespoons of AMALAKI FRUIT JUICE and TWO CLOVES OF GARLIC PASTE should be mixed and eaten every day for at least TWO MONTHS. This arrangement applies to both MALES or FEMALES.
4. IN THE AIR OF STOMACH: Mix 3-4 drops of GARLIC JUICE in one cup of cold water and eat it EVERY MORNING.
5. BODY DECAY: Boil 2 cloves of Garlic in 1 cup of milk and eat that milk every day. This stops the Body Decay and increases the strength and knowledge of the Body.
6. IN THE VAGINA: Eating TWO cloves of Garlic Paste with A CUP OF HOT MILK removes Spermatogenesis and increases Unstable Force and stops Unstable Erosion.
7. OLD WOUNDS OR SORES: 2-3 cloves of Garlic Paste should be applied to the WOUNDS for several days in a row.
8.OLD FEVER: The fiver is rising and falling but not leaving. In this case,4-5 drops of Garlic Juice should be mixed with GHEE and eaten once a day for three consecutive days.
9. HEADACHE: If you hold your HEAD for air,1-2 drops of GARLIC JUICE will be cured IF YOU SNIFF IT.
10. T.B. PREVENTION: There is no fear of getting T.B if you mix ONE CUP OF GARLIC PASTE WITH HOT MILK and eat EVERY DAY.
11. FOR A SICK CHILD: There are no diseases in the body, many are eating good food but their health is not changing. In this case, you have to eat HALF CLOVE OF GARLIC PASTE WITH FRESH GHOL TWICE A DAY.
12. STOMACH ACHE FOR DRINKING ALCOHOL: IF you have a stomach ache from drinking alcohol and you can not give up the habit of drinking alcohol, YOU SHOULD CHEW TWO CLOVES OF GARLIC EVERY DAY.
13. GUPO(TINY HOLES) ON THE SOLES OF THE FEET: Cut a clove of Garlic IN HALF and apply it on it and STICK IT WITH NUCOPLAST. Doing this for a few days in a row WILL HEAL THE WOUNDS.
14. COW -BUFFALO WOUND AND WOUND INSECTS: 5-6 cloves of Garlic Paste should be applied to the wound for several days in a row.